Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving in Germany

Last week was thanksgiving in the United Stated and I decided to celebrate here in Germany with a few of my German friends. After finally finding somewhere that sold turkeys (45min away, yes its not that easy) we got two, beautiful nine pound turkeys.

We did it on a Saturday because unfortunately Germans don't have the school day off. A few friends came over to help me cook everything before dinner. These were my great helpers :) but in the end we had 10 Germans, 1 Americans, my host parents and my host brother.

I told my host father about the tradition of carving the turkey and he gladly obliged. It was defiantly a great evening.

Last week I spent some time with another school's choir on a retreat (because my school doesn't really have a choir). That means I am now in three choirs and my December is going to be full of concerts but I cant wait.